Welcome to The 'Inner Circle'

The Home of The Smartest Private Practices in the World

Item Price
$3990 USD
$5400 CAD

"The team at Orange & Gray have become one of my most valued partners.

Phil has this story about what it means to fly first class, the exclusivity of it, the comfort, the privilege…Being a part of the Inner Circle of Orange & Gray gives me that same sense. I feel like I am part of an exclusive club of practice owners that get it, that are all committed to being the best practice in our respective communities, we learn from each other and feel supported by each other. We have this amazing marketing team that has transcended beyond what I thought a marketing firm did for an organization."

Erika Shakespeare

“I know that most audiologists are in the position that we were in, are tired of people doing the same thing. Orange & Gray’s ‘Inner Circle’ bring brand new ideas, things we would never come up with and push us out of our comfort zone to figure out what we are capable of achieving.

We’ve been at this a long time, and the ‘Inner Circle’ have changed the game for us, they have changed our business!”

Dr. Tracy Board

“Orange & Gray has helped take our business from great to fantastic! Their fresh ideas on marketing methods keep the patients flowing into our office. I used to get a lot of ideas thrown at me but Orange & Gray gives me ideas and methodical ways of implementing them.

I would describe Orange & Gray as a secret weapon. The combination of coaching and marketing has elevated my business to new heights.”

Dr. Sally Miranda

Before working with Orange & Gray, our website would maybe get one or two inquiries per month, but now we’re pulling patients through online sources consistently and predictably, which is translating into revenue.

During the 12 months that we’ve worked with you, our revenue has grown by 60%.”

Dr. Scott Marquardt

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